Indoor Air Quality

Your air may be as exhausted as you are.
When you take care of your air, you’re also taking care of your people and the quality of your work.
If you only exhaust your old air out without replacing it with fresh air, you can have issues like unbalanced air pressure, temperature spikes, and humidity issues, all of which can negatively affect the quality of your coating and curing.
Air make-up units
Air make-up units (AMUs) replace contaminated air exhausted from industrial and commercial buildings or spray booths with fresh, conditioned, tempered, filtered outdoor air. AMUs replenish equal amounts of fresh air for every cubic foot of air exhausted and control for temperature, humidity, and pressure.
Improve indoor air quality by introducing 100% fresh air
Regulate air pressure and maintain proper comfort levels
Eliminate problems with drafts, stale, or contaminated air
Balance temperature fluctuations
Eliminate temperature stratification
Control humidity
Filter incoming air
There are many make-up air options for both industrial and commercial applications, with a large range of CFM capacities that are able to meet the demands of any facility. From single paint booths to aircraft hangars, we can design a durable, efficient solution for your needs.
Indirect Fired Air Handlers
Indirect fired air handlers operate well even at lower capacities. Without requiring large volumes of air to be used, they still provide up to 100% return air capabilities.
With an indirect fired air make-up unit, the flame used to heat the air is never in direct contact with the refreshed airstream, ensuring that no byproducts of combustion are delivered in the makeup air. This is important for applications that need to maintain sterile processes, or cannot be exposed to combustion by-products because of contamination or safety issues.
Direct Fired Air Handlers
Direct fired air handlers offer a reliable, cost-effective, and efficient option for air replacement. Built for commercial or industrial markets, these solidly-built and long-lasting make-up units provide an economical solution, especially when capacity demand is consistently above 40%.
Ready to Get Started?
Contact us today so we can get down to business!